Destiny and Destination
"Destiny and Destination" is a series of portraits that explore the construction of individual work identities in northwestern Tunisia, the most economically disadvantaged region in the country.
Since the Jasmine Revolution in 2011, political leaders have prioritized institutional reforms, while displaying reluctance in addressing issues such as unemployment and spatial disparities in access to opportunities.
Poverty rates range from 8% in the central-east region to 32% in the central-west region, with a 20% gap in unemployment rates between more prosperous and underprivileged governorates.
Simultaneously, a vibrant and highly motivated youth population is eager to redefine its role in the new post-revolution economy. Some of this enthusiasm is directed towards establishing social and agricultural enterprises in the North-West, the country's largest farmland area.
This series of portraits focuses on this new generation of farmers and environmental entrepreneurs and their efforts to shape their destiny into their desired destination.